Chase Lyman American football player

Chase Lyman (born September 4, 1982 in Mountain View, California) is a former American football wide receiver. Lyman was raised in Los Altos Hills, CA and is the son of former NFL player Brad Lyman. He attended Saint Francis High School in Mountain View, California where he played football, basketball and ran track. The San Jose Mercury News named Lyman their Male Athlete of the Year in 2000. The San Jose Sports Hall of Fame awarded Chase their Outstanding Male High School Athlete of the Year in 2000. Despite his success in high school athletics, he received only one scholarship offer, to the University of California. Lyman became a key component of the Cal offense. In his junior year he was a main target for Cal quarterback Aaron Rodgers. Initially wearing #81, he later switched to #15. He graduated with a degree in American Studies in 2004 and was drafted in the 4th round by the New Orleans Saints in 2005. Lyman's football career was cut short by injury. He retired after tearing his ACL for a second time. Lyman was working in commercial real estate with Cornish & Carey Commercial in Palo Alto, California. Since then, he's become the current Director of Commercial Real Estate at The Sobrato Organization.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 04, 1982
Birth place
Mountain View California
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)95.256


American football player

University of California Berkeley
New Orleans Saints

Chase Lyman on Wikipedia