Chris Bober American football player

Chris Scott Bober (/ˈboʊbər/; born December 24, 1976) is a former American football offensive lineman. He was originally signed by the New York Giants as an undrafted free agent in 2000. He played college football at Nebraska-Omaha, the city where he grew up; he had also played football at Omaha South High School.Bober has also played for the Kansas City Chiefs in his career.

Personal facts

Chris Bober
Birth dateDecember 24, 1976
Birth place
Omaha Nebraska
Height (meters)1.9558
Weight (Kilograms)140.616


American football player

Career start2001
Career end2007
Debut team
New York Giants
Former team
New York Giants
Kansas City Chiefs
Undrafted year2000

Chris Bober on Wikipedia

External resources
