Clem Michael Australian rules football player

Clem Anthony Michael is a former Australian Rules football player in the Australian Football League for the Fremantle Football Club from 1998 to 2000. The son of WAFL legend Stephen Michael, Clem was drafted by Fremantle in the 1997 National Draft with selection 21 after playing a key role in South Fremantle's 1997 WAFL Premiership side.After 43 games over 3 seasons, Michael's career was cut short by a serious knee injury, which caused him to retire at the end of the 2001 season. He had an experimental surgery on the knee, in which new cartilage was grown in Scandinavia from a culture of his own cartilage. He remained on Fremantle's list for the 2002 season, and returned to train with South Fremantle but never played football again.


Australian rules football player

debut team
Fremantle Football Club

Clem Michael on Wikipedia