Curtis Alexander American football player

Curtis Alexander (born June 11, 1974) is a former American football player. He played four years of college football for the Alabama Crimson Tide, from 1994 to 1997. He later played professional football in the XFL and NFL Europe. During the 2002 Frankfurt Galaxy season, he set an NFL Europe single-game total yardage record with 279 yards against Barcelona.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 11, 1974
Birth place
Memphis Tennessee
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)92.988


American football player

Career start1998
Career end2001
Debut team
Denver Broncos
Draft pick122
Draft round4
Draft year1998
Former team
Denver Broncos
Miami Dolphins
Frankfurt Galaxy
Birmingham Thunderbolts
Running back

Curtis Alexander on Wikipedia