D. Bap Reddy Politician

Dwaram Bap Reddy is a scientist and administrator who served at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.Bap Reddy was among the earliest Indian Reddys to come to United States and arrived in 1946. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, United States in 1950. He served from 1978 to 1982 as the Deputy Regional Representative (Director of FAO with Diplomatic status level) of Asia and Pacific for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), the primary world wide non-governmental organization responsible for food and agricultural issues. He served as Acting Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative (ranked as a Senior National Official equivalent to Acting Deputy Minister, whose equivalent India post is Acting Minister of State of Agriculture, with same privileges and immunities accorded to diplomatic envoys in accordance with international law ) of Asia and Pacific for FAO in 1980. He was FAO Representative (Director of FAO with rank same as of Consul-General and rank also equal to that of Level 5 of the Washington Executive Schedule ) in Indonesia from 1982 to 1986 and also FAO Representative (with the same privileges and immunities accorded to all UN agencies' heads) in Nepal in 1987. He served in Diplomatic Status level position for ten years. During his service he met various dignitaries, leaders and heads of government. Prior to serving with the FAO, he was an active researcher with more than 200 papers and articles to his credit. He was directly involved in the establishment of the plant protection counters at Indian ports of entry, a vital element in protecting India's food supply. In 1964 he was appointed by the Government of India to a Ministerial level Committee on the Harmful Effects of Pesticides. The Committee was headed by M.S Thacker, a Member of the Planning Commission. Apart from making many useful recommendations, the Committee advocated the introduction of National Pesticide Legislation.


Office holder

officeFormer Deputy Regional Representative of Asia and Pacific for FAO

D. Bap Reddy on Wikipedia