Dan Ferrone American football player

Dan Ferrone (born April 3, 1958 in Oakville, Ontario) is a former professional Canadian football offensive lineman who played for the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League from 1981 to 1992. He was part of the Grey Cup championship-winning Argonauts in 1983 and 1991. Served as President of the Canadian Football League Players Association 1992-2000.On February 21, 2013 the Canadian Football Hall of Fame announced that he would be inducted as a player at a ceremony in Edmonton in September 2013.During Ferrone's time as a member of the Argonauts he was named to the CFL's All-Star team 5 times and CFL Divisional All-Star 9 times. He also coached offensive line in 2002 and then moved on to become VP and eventually President of the Toronto Argonauts in 2004.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 03, 1958
Birth place
Ontario , Oakville Ontario
