Dave Ames American football player

David Randolph "Dave" Ames (born January 16, 1937 in Portsmouth, Virginia, died August 4, 2009 in Richmond, Virginia from Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS)) was an American football defensive back and halfback. He played college football at the University of Richmond, and played professionally in the American Football League (AFL) for the New York Titans and the Denver Broncos in 1961. He was drafted by the National Football League's Pittsburgh Steelers in the 1960 NFL Draft.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 16, 1937
Birth place
Portsmouth Virginia
Date of deathAugust 04, 2009
Place of death
Richmond Virginia


American football player

Career start1961
Career end1961
Draft pick
(By the Pittsburgh Steelers)
Draft round16
Draft year1960
Defensive back
Halfback (American football)
History of the Denver Broncos
History of the New York Jets

Dave Ames on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.legacy.com/PilotOnline/Obituaries.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonId=131028293
  2. http://www.nfl.com/players/daveames/profile?id=AME622935