Dave Szott American football player

David Andrew Szott (born December 12, 1967) is a former professional American football offensive lineman.Szott played 14 years in the National Football League for the Kansas City Chiefs, the Washington Redskins, and the New York Jets, before retiring from football in February 2004. He remained with the Jets as an offensive line coach and in player development. Szott became the team's chaplain in 2006.Szott played college football at Penn State for legendary football coach Joe Paterno.Szott grew up in Clifton, New Jersey, and was a standout player at Clifton High School in New Jersey. He was also a standout high school wrestler in New Jersey placing fourth in the heavyweight division of the 1986 USA Wrestling Junior Freestyle Tournament. Szott was undefeated until the round robin portion where he was pinned by eventual champion John Matyiko of Virginia. Szott then was pinned by Carl Presley of Illinois in the semi-finals and settled for fourth place while losing by fall to Jon Morris of Virginia.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 12, 1967
Birth place
Passaic New Jersey


American football player

Career start1990
Debut team
Kansas City Chiefs
Draft pick180
Draft round7
Draft year1990
Former team
New York Jets
Washington Redskins
Kansas City Chiefs

Dave Szott on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.unitedwaynyc.org/?id=68&pg=050103