Death of Elli Perkins

Elli Perkins née Present (1949 – March 13, 2003) was a mother of two, a professional glass artist, and a Scientologist who lived in Western New York. She was a senior auditor at the Church of Scientology in Buffalo, New York. When her son, Jeremy, began to show strange and disturbing behavior, she did not seek out psychiatric care for him. She instead tried to correct this with treatment in accordance with Scientology. Jeremy's schizophrenia progressed to the point where he felt Elli was poisoning him (among Jeremy's explanations were "she makes me take these vitamins everyday", referring to the alternative medicine he was forced to take). After a failed suicide attempt, Jeremy murdered his mother.The crime received substantial news coverage including The Amherst Bee, The Buffalo News, the New York Post, and an installment of the investigative news program 48 Hours. Issues included an implication that her refusal to allow Jeremy to be treated by a psychiatrist caused his eventual outburst, and her death.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1949
Birth nameElli Perkins
Birth place
Rochester New York , United States
Date of deathMarch 13, 2003
Place of death
Buffalo New York , United States


Death of Elli Perkins on Wikipedia

External resources
