Death of Eugene Ejike Obiora

Eugene Ejike Obiora (February 25, 1958 – September 7, 2006) was a naturalized Norwegian citizen, originally from Nigeria. The first-born of 10 siblings, he had lived in Norway for more than 20 years.Obiora's name entered the public limelight in Norway after he died during a police arrest at a social services office, Østbyen Servicekontor, in Trondheim. He was there to complain against his being denied welfare (financial aid). According to early news reports Obiora threatened and photographed the staff, and police were subsequently called in. When Obiora refused to leave the premises and resisted arrest, a scuffle ensued where a strangle hold was employed by one of the arresting officers. Shortly thereafter Obiora lost consciousness and was subsequently transported to the local hospital by the police. He was pronounced dead despite resuscitation attempts. The nurses who received the police patrol car have stated in police interviews that he was positioned "completely limp on his stomach face down on the floor of the supervisor vehicle."The case made headlines locally and nationally, with accusations of unnecessary use of force and racism leveled at the local police, as well as uproar in African societies in Norway.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 25, 1958
cause of death
Positional asphyxia
Date of deathSeptember 07, 2006
Place of death
Norway , Trondheim
Norway , Trondheim


Death of Eugene Ejike Obiora on Wikipedia

External resources
