Deneys Reitz

Deneys Reitz (1882—1944), son of Francis William Reitz, was a Boer soldier, later a South African soldier in the First World War, and a politician.While in exile in Madagascar, he wrote about his experience of the Second Boer War (1899–1902), so that, when it was eventually edited and published in 1929 as Commando: A Boer Journal Of The Boer War, it still had the freshness and detail of an account written soon after the war. Not only is the account very well written and an important source for the Second Boer War, but his family connections (his father was State Secretary of the Transvaal) and sheer luck provide for a unique account because he was present at virtually every major event of the War.

Personal facts

Deneys Reitz
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1882
Birth place
South Africa
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1944
Place of death
Francis William Reitz


Deneys Reitz on Wikipedia

External resources
