Dennis Casey Baseball player

Dennis Patrick Casey (March 30, 1858 in Binghamton, New York – January 19, 1909 in Binghamton, New York), was a professional baseball player who played outfielder in the Major Leagues from 1884-1885. He would play for the Wilmington Quicksteps and Baltimore Orioles. Dennis Patrick Casey is rumored to be the infamous "Casey at the Bat".

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 30, 1858
Birth place
Binghamton New York
Date of deathJanuary 19, 1909
Place of death
Binghamton New York


Baseball player

Career startAugust 18, 1884
Career endJuly 24, 1885
batting sideLeft
former teams
Baltimore Orioles (19th century)
Wilmington Quicksteps
Baltimore Orioles (19th century)
Wilmington Quicksteps
throwing sideRight

Dennis Casey on Wikipedia