Dennis Davis Jr. American football player

Dennis Davis, Jr. (born November 24, 1982) is a cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks. He was signed as an undrafted free agent from Georgia Tech by the Oakland Raiders on May 12, 2006.Davis made 1 interception in the 2006 Hall of Fame Game. Despite this, he failed to make the team and was cut during a mandatory league cut-down on August 29. Since then, Davis was signed by the New York Giants to their practice squad. He was released 2 weeks later and signed by the Indianapolis Colts to their practice squad. Again, he was cut. But, the New York Giants re-signed him on January 2 to the practice squad.Davis played high school football at Edgewood Regional High School in Winslow Township, New Jersey.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 24, 1982
Height (meters)1.8288
Weight (Kilograms)83.916


American football player

Former team
Indianapolis Colts
New York Giants
Oakland Raiders
Seattle Seahawks
Seattle Seahawks
Undrafted year2006

Dennis Davis Jr. on Wikipedia