Dhan Singh Thapa Military person

Lieutenant-Colonel Dhan Singh Thapa PVC (Nepali: मेजर धन सिंह थापा) (June 10, 1928 – September 6, 2005) was an Indian Army major in 1st Battalion, 8th Gorkha Rifles Regiment. He was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military decoration.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 10, 1928
Birth place
Himachal Pradesh , Shimla
Date of deathSeptember 06, 2005


Military person

Param Vir Chakra
military operations
Sino-Indian War
military branch
Indian Army
service start1949
service end1975

Dhan Singh Thapa on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://indianarmy.nic.in/PVC/photo_11.htm
  2. http://jaihindjaibharat.com/?p=77