Dick Alban American football player

Richard Herbert Alban (born January 17, 1929) is a former American football defensive back who played eight seasons for the Washington Redskins and Pittsburgh Steelers in the National Football League. Alban played college football at Northwestern University, where he was used at halfback and on defense.Alban was drafted in the ninth round of the 1952 NFL Draft and immediately started all 12 games for the Redskins his rookie year. His best season came in 1954, where he finished second in the league in interceptions with nine and was selected to his only Pro Bowl. He was traded to the Steelers in 1956 and retired after the 1959 campaign.

Personal facts

Dick Alban
Birth dateJanuary 17, 1929
Birth place
Hanover Pennsylvania


American football player

Career start1952
Career end1959
Draft pick103
Draft round9
Draft year1952
Defensive back
Pittsburgh Steelers
Washington Redskins

Dick Alban on Wikipedia