Dick Duff Ice hockey player

Terrance Richard "Dick" Duff (born February 18, 1936) is a retired Canadian professional ice hockey forward who played 18 seasons for the Montreal Canadiens, Toronto Maple Leafs, Buffalo Sabres, Los Angeles Kings, and New York Rangers in the National Hockey League (NHL). He also served as head coach of the Leafs for part of the 1979–80 season. He is currently retired from hockey, and lives in Mississauga, Ontario. At a height of 5 feet and ten inches, and a meager 163 pounds, he was arguably one of the best small players of his generation.Duff won six Stanley Cups, two with Toronto and four with Montreal. On November 13, 2006 he was inducted into Hockey Hall of Fame. In 2014, he was inducted into the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame.

Personal facts

Dick Duff
Birth dateFebruary 18, 1936
Birth place
Ontario , Kirkland Lake , Canada
Height (meters)1.778
Weight (Kilograms)73.9368


Ice hockey player

Career start1954
Career end1972
former team
Montreal Canadiens
Buffalo Sabres
Los Angeles Kings
New York Rangers
Toronto Maple Leafs
hall of fame2006
Winger (ice hockey)

Dick Duff on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.hhof.com/html/exSCJ05_07.shtml