Dick Irvin Ice hockey player

James Dickinson Irvin, Sr. or James Dickinson Irvin II (July 19, 1892 – May 16, 1957) was a Canadian professional ice hockey player and coach. He played for professional teams in the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, the Western Canada Hockey League and the National Hockey League (NHL) from 1916–1928 when he had to retire from repeated injuries. Irvin was one of the greatest players of his day, balancing a torrid slap shot and tough style with gentlemanly play. For his playing career, Irvin was named to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1958. After playing, Irvin then built a successful career as a coach in the NHL with the Chicago Black Hawks, Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens He won one Stanley Cup as a coach with Toronto, and three more with Montreal. He finished with over 600 wins as a coach. He also served in the Canadian Army during World War I.

Personal facts

Dick Irvin
Birth dateJuly 19, 1892
Birth place
Hamilton Ontario , Ontario , Canada
Date of deathMay 15, 1957
Height (meters)1.7526
Weight (Kilograms)73.4832
