Dick Jauron American football player

Richard Manuel Jauron (born October 7, 1950) is a former National Football League (NFL) player and coach. He played eight seasons, five with the Detroit Lions and three with the Cincinnati Bengals. He was head coach of the Buffalo Bills from January 2006 until November 2009. Jauron had previously held head coaching positions with the Chicago Bears and, on an interim basis, with the Detroit Lions. He was the AP Coach of the Year in 2001 after leading the Bears to a 13-3 record, his only winning season as a head coach in the NFL.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 07, 1950
Birth place
Peoria Illinois
Height (meters)1.8288
Weight (Kilograms)86.184


American football player

Career start1973
Career end1980
Debut team
Detroit Lions
Draft pick91
Draft round4
Draft year1973
Former team
Buffalo Bills
Chicago Bears
Cincinnati Bengals
Cleveland Browns
Detroit Lions
Green Bay Packers
Jacksonville Jaguars
Philadelphia Eagles
Safety (American and Canadian football position)

Dick Jauron on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches/dick-jauron/22889e16-5822-428e-bc6d-965d1f7a2330