Dick McCabe American football player

Richard Paul McCabe (March 12, 1933 – January 4, 1983) was an American football safety who played college football at the University of Pittsburgh. McCabe played in the National Football League for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Washington Redskins. He also played in the American Football League for the Buffalo Bills, making the Sporting News' AFL All-League team in 1960. He finished his playing career with the Bills in 1961, but he returned to the team in 1966 as Defensive Backfield Coach. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 12, 1933
Birth place
Pennsylvania , Pittsburgh
Date of deathJanuary 04, 1983


American football player

Safety (American and Canadian football position)
American Football League
Buffalo Bills
National Football League
Pittsburgh Steelers
Washington Redskins

Dick McCabe on Wikipedia