Dick McGrath American football player

Richard James McGrath (born June 30, 1901, date of death unknown) was a professional football player in the early National Football League for the Brooklyn Lions. He also played professionally for the Waterbury Blues in 1925, prior to the club's entry into the NFL in 1926 as the Hartford Blues. He served the Blues, not only as the team's captain, but also as its coach. Prior to his professional career, McGrath played college football for the Holy Cross Crusaders

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 30, 1901
Birth place
Winthrop Massachusetts , Massachusetts , United States
Date of deathOctober 23, 1965
Place of death
Virginia , Virginia Beach Virginia , United States


American football player

Center (American and Canadian football)
Tackle (American and Canadian football)

Dick McGrath on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.profootballresearchers.org/Coffin_Corner/04-08-107.pdf