Dick Rockett Gaelic games player

Richard "Dick" Rockett (born 1931) is an Irish retired hurler who played as a right wing-forward for the Kilkenny senior team.Born in Slieverue, County Kilkenny, Rockett first excelled at hurling during his schooling at De La Salle College. He arrived on the inter-county scene at the age of twenty when he first linked up with the Kilkenny junior team. He made his senior debut in the 1953-54 National League. Rockett played a key role for the team for the next few years and won one All-Ireland medal and two Leinster medals.Rockett also represented the Leinster inter-provincial team on a number of occasions, winning one Railway Cup medal. At club level he was a one-time championship medallist with Slieverue.His retirement came prior to the start of the 1959 championship.


Gaelic games player

Slieverue GAA

Dick Rockett on Wikipedia