Dick Sprang Comics creator

Richard W. "Dick" Sprang (July 28, 1915 - May 10, 2000) was an American comic book artist and penciller, best known for his work on the superhero Batman during the period fans and historians call Golden Age of Comic Books. Sprang was responsible for the 1950 redesign of the Batmobile and the original design of the Riddler, who has appeared in film, television and other media adaptations. Sprang's Batman was notable for his square chin, expressive face and barrel chest.Sprang was also a notable explorer in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, whose discoveries included the "Defiance House" of the Anasazi ruins, and whose correspondence and records are stored with the Utah Historical Society.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 28, 1915
Birth place
Fremont Ohio
United States
Date of deathMay 17, 2000
Place of death
Prescott Arizona


Dick Sprang on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.comics.org/penciller/name/dick%20sprang/sort/alpha