Dick Todd American football player

Richard S. Todd (October 2, 1914 – November 9, 1999) was an American football player and coach for the Washington Redskins of the National Football League.During his eight-year playing career between 1939 and 1948, Todd played both offense and defense as a fullback and defensive back. In his career, Todd had 1,573 yards and 11 touchdowns rushing; and 1,826 yards and 20 touchdowns receiving. He also scored two touchdowns on punt returns.Todd was named interim coach of the Redskins for nine games in the 1951 season, amassing a 5–4 record. Four years later, Todd was named head coach for the final two Midwestern State Mustangs football team seasons in 1955 and 1956 before the program was placed on a five-year moratorium which would last 32 seasons.He played college football at Texas A&M University.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 02, 1914
Birth place
Thrall Texas
Date of deathNovember 09, 1999
Place of death
Crowell Texas


American football player

Career start1939
Career end1948
Draft pick38
Draft round5
Draft year1939
Punt returner
Defensive back
Fullback (American football)
Midwestern State Mustangs
Washington Redskins

Dick Todd on Wikipedia