Dimitrius Underwood American football player

Dimitrius Paul Underwood (born March 29, 1977) is a former professional American football defensive end in the National Football League for the Minnesota Vikings, Miami Dolphins, and Dallas Cowboys. Underwood also had a brief stint in the Canadian Football League's Ottawa Renegades in mid-2005.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 29, 1977
Birth place


American football player

Career start2000
Career end2001
Draft pick29
Draft round1
Draft year1999
Defensive end
Dallas Cowboys
Miami Dolphins
Minnesota Vikings
Ottawa Renegades

Dimitrius Underwood on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Ag34_IABaoPEpbq9jFGiahs5nYcB?slug=jc-faulkandcharacter012808&prov=yhoo&type=lgns