Don Rico Comics creator

Donato Francisco Rico II (September 26, 1912 – March 27, 1985) was an American paperback novelist, screenwriter, and comic book writer-artist, who co-created the Marvel Comics characters Jann of the Jungle, with artist Jay Scott Pike, Leopard Girl, with artist Al Hartley, and Lorna the Jungle Girl, with an artist generally considered to be Werner Roth. His pen names include Dan Rico, Donella St. Michaels, Donna Richards, Joseph Milton, and N. Korok.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Dan Rico Donella St. Michaels Donna Richards Joseph Milton N. Korok
Birth dateSeptember 26, 1912
Birth place
Rochester New York , New York
United States
Date of deathMarch 27, 1985
Place of death
California , Los Angeles
