Donald Arseneault Politician

Donald Arseneault (born in Dalhousie, New Brunswick) is a New Brunswick politician. He is the member of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick for the riding of Dalhousie-Restigouche East.One of the youngest members of the legislature, Arseneault worked in the civil service before being elected in the 2003 election. He was named to the opposition shadow cabinet following the election as critic for both the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Intergovernmental and International Relations. He was elected caucus chair in 2004 and was shuffled to be critic for tourism in early 2005.He was re-elected in 2006 and his party formed the government and he became Minister of Natural Resources. He also chairs a cabinet committee on forestry issues consisting of fellow ministers Victor Boudreau, Greg Byrne and Jack Keir. On November 12, 2008, he became minister of post-secondary education, training and labour.

Personal facts

Birth place
Dalhousie New Brunswick



New Brunswick Liberal Association

Donald Arseneault on Wikipedia