Emmanuel Rashba Scientist

Emmanuel I. Rashba (born 1927) is a Ukrainian theoretical physicist known for his contributions to semiconductor physics and spintronics including the Rashba effect.Born in Kiev, Ukraine, he survived the Second World War by fleeing to Kazan. He later studied physics at Kiev University, the Academy of Science of the Ukraine (where he received his PhD in 1956), and the A.F. Ioffe Institute in Leningrad. From 1966 to 1992, he was Head of the Theory of Semiconductors Division at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics.In 1991, he moved to the United States, where he worked at the University of Utah, SUNY at Buffalo, and Dartmouth College before becoming a visiting scientist at Harvard University.In 1993 Rashba was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He has won several awards including the National Prize of the USSR and the Pekar Prize.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1927
Birth place
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Known for
Rashba effect
