Ernie Koy Jr. American football player

Ernest Melvin Koy (born October 22, 1942 in Bellville, Texas) is a former American football running back for the New York Giants of the National Football League. He played college football at the University of Texas from 1962–1964 and was drafted by the Giants in the eleventh round of the 1965 NFL Draft. He was a part of the Longhorns' 1963 National Championship team, although he missed most of the season to injury and illness. His brother Ted Koy also played with the Longhorns and in the NFL. His father, Ernest Anyz Koy, played Major League Baseball from 1938 through 1942 for five teams, and also played football at Texas.During his six years in the NFL, Koy played in 79 games, carried 414 times and gained 1,723 yards. He also has 498 receiving yards with 76 receptions, many from quarterback Fran Tarkenton. In addition, he completed six passes in 12 attempts, with one touchdown and one interception.Koy was also the Giants' punter with a 38.5 yard average, and returned 30 kicks during his career.After he retired from the NFL, Koy began a career in banking. He returned to his hometown of Bellville to work at a savings and loan there. He later worked for Austin County State Bank, which was eventually sold to Wells Fargo.editor of the Bellville Times weekly newspaper from 1962-1965, Inew Ernie A., Ernie M. (not Jr.) and Margaret very well!==References==

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 22, 1942
Birth place
Bellville Texas
