Fancy Ray Comedian

Ray "Fancy Ray" McCloney is a comedian and television personality who has built a comedy and advertising career partly by becoming famous for being famous, especially in and near his home town of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Fancy Ray is the self-proclaimed "Best Looking Man in Comedy", known for his androgynous and heavily made-up style as well as a loud, sometimes bizarre, comic persona. His stage personality is made up of the sexual prowess of Prince, the funky style of James Brown, and the animation and expression of Little Richard. He is known to break into verse and recite poetry at his shows, in ode to himself, of course. Aside from claiming that he is the best-looking man in comedy, Fancy Ray makes many outrageous claims about himself such as his ability to swim in the oceans without getting wet. Fancy Ray's recurring performance themes revolve around his own good looks and sense of style, his outre urban attitudes, and sexual topics.

Personal facts

Birth nameRay McCloney
Birth place
Minneapolis , United States
