Fanny Law Politician

Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun (born 24 February 1953 in Hong Kong), GBS, JP, was a high-ranking civil servant in Hong Kong. She held the posts of Secretary for Education and Manpower (until 2002), Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower (until 2006). In late 2006, she was appointed Commissioner of the ICAC of Hong Kong.Fanny Law resigned from the post following a government inquiry into interference with academic freedom at the Hong Kong Institute of Education while she was Permanent Secretary. However the Court of First Instance held that Law did not violate the institute's right to academic freedom when she contacted academics directly. The judicial review was allowed on 13 March 2009 but this did not affect the Commission's findings with regard to their terms of reference.

Personal facts

Fanny Law
Birth dateFebruary 24, 1953


Office holder

Secretary for Education and Manpower
Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower
Commissioner Independent Commission Against Corruption
Henry Fan
Timothy Tong
Raymond Wong (civil servant)

Fanny Law on Wikipedia

External resources
