Fethullah Gülen Philosopher

Muhammed Fethullah Gülen (born 27 April 1941) is a Turkish preacher, former imam, writer, and Islamic opinion leader. He is the founder of the Gülen movement (sometimes known as Hizmet). He currently lives in a self-imposed exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, United States.Gülen teaches an Anatolian (Hanafi) version of Islam, deriving from Sunni Muslim scholar Said Nursî's teachings. Gülen has stated that he believes in science, interfaith dialogue among the People of the Book, and multi-party democracy. He has initiated such dialogue with the Vatican and some Jewish organizations.Gülen is actively involved in the societal debate concerning the future of the Turkish state, and Islam in the modern world. He has been described in the English-language media as an imam "who promotes a tolerant Islam which emphasises altruism, hard work and education" and as "one of the world's most important Muslim figures." In the Turkish context, Gülen appears as a religious conservative.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 27, 1941
Birth place
Turkey , Erzurum
Main interest
People of the Book
