Françoise Tisseur Scientist

Françoise Tisseur is a numerical analyst andProfessor of Numerical Analysisat the School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK. She works in numerical linear algebra and in particular on nonlinear eigenvalue problems and structured matrix problems, including the development of algorithms and software.She is a graduate of theUniversity of St-Etienne, France, from where she gained her Maitrise (Mathematical Engineering) in 1993,Diplome d’Etude Approfondie in 1994, and PhD (Numerical Analysis) in 1997.She has contributed software to LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, and the MATLAB distribution.Tisseur is a member of the editorial boards of the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications and the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.



Adams Prize
Whitehead Prize
Field of study

Françoise Tisseur on Wikipedia