Frank Wu Artist

Frank Wu is a science fiction and fantasy artist living in Arlington, MA. He won the Hugo Award for Best Fan Artist in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2009; he was previously nominated in 2002 and 2003. He also won the Grand Prize (the Gold Award) in the Illustrators of the Future contest in 2000. In 2008 he was nominated for a fourth Hugo Award for Best Fan Artist, but declined the nomination. Nominated again in 2009, he accepted and won his fourth Hugo, but used his acceptance speech to encouraged future voters to consider other candidates. Wu works in many media, including acrylic and digital painting, and created a portrait of a Klingon girl for the documentary about the Klingon language, Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water. He is a regular contributor to science fiction webzines, such as The Drink Tank, and in 2009 announced his ultimately unsuccessful candidacy for 2010's TransAtlantic Fan Fund. Wu is also a filmmaker, having released in 2006 the animated short, "The Tragical Historie of Guidolon the Giant Space Chicken". A Director's Cut of this short was released in 2007, and a full-length version is now in production. In addition to these activities, Dr Wu holds a Ph.D. in bacterial genetics from University of Wisconsin–Madison, though his day job is in patent law for a pharmaceutical conglomerate. He is also a member of BASFA, the Bay Area Science Fiction Association.


Frank Wu on Wikipedia