Frank Wycheck American football player

Frank John Wycheck (born October 14, 1971) is a former American football tight end and current sports talk radio host. He played college football at the University of Maryland. As a professional, Wycheck played 11 seasons for the Washington Redskins and the Tennessee Titans. He has also spent time as a professional wrestler. In 2005, Wycheck became color commentator on the Tennessee Titans radio network, and in 2004, Wycheck began co-hosting a morning sports radio show on Nashville radio station WGFX.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 14, 1971
Birth place


American football player

Career start1993
Career end2003
Debut team
Washington Redskins
Draft pick160
Draft round6
Draft year1993
Tight end
Tennessee Titans
Washington Redskins

Frank Wycheck on Wikipedia