Fritz Fuchs Sports manager

Fritz Fuchs (born 18 October 1943 in Kaiserslautern) is a German football coach and a former player. As a player, he spent six seasons in the Bundesliga with 1. FC Kaiserslautern. As a coach, his biggest success was managing FC 08 Homburg to their promotion to the Bundesliga.His son Uwe Fuchs is a coach as well. His brother Werner Fuchs was also a football coach.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 18, 1943
Birth place
Nazi Germany , Kaiserslautern


Football manager

FSV Salmrohr
SSV Ulm 1846
FC 08 Homburg
Kickers Offenbach
VfR Bürstadt
BFV Hassia Bingen
SC Freiburg
Defender (association football)
1. FC Kaiserslautern
SV Alsenborn
BFV Hassia Bingen

Fritz Fuchs on Wikipedia