Gaetano Bisleti Cleric

Gaetano Bisleti S.T.D. (20 March 1856 – 30 August 1937) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and was former Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education. Gaetano Bisleti was born in Veroli, Italy. He was educated at the Seminary of Tivoli and the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles, where he obtained a doctorate in theology in 1879.Bisleti was ordained on 20 September 1878. He was appointed Canon and archdeacon of the cathedral chapter of Veroli where he served until 1884. He was created Privy chamberlain de numero participantium on 20 December 1884. He was raised to the level of Domestic prelate and master of papal chamber on 29 May 1901. He was awarded the numerous orders and decorations:Commander of the Order of the Crown of Prussia Commander of the Order of Ferdinand IV of Tuscany Commander of the Order of the Crown of Siam Grand Cross of the Royal Saxon Albrecht Order 09.03.1906medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice.In May and June 1907, when Bisleti was still a Monsignor and Maggiodomo di Sua Santita, the Swiss-born American artist Adolfo Müller-Ury (1862-1947) who was in Rome painting a large portrait of Pope Pius X (North American College, Via dei Umilta, Rome), and had painted two portraits of Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, also completed a portrait of Bisleti, a fact that was recorded in the New York Herald, Sunday, December 27, 1908.

Personal facts

Gaetano Bisleti
Birth dateMarch 20, 1856
Date of deathAugust 30, 1937
