Gelu Vlaşin Writer

Gelu Vlașin (born 30 August 1966) is a Romanian poet and essayist. Born in Telciu, Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Romania on 30 August 1966, he is married to Cristina Maria Vlasin (music teacher and jazz singer) and has a son Darius Andrei Vlasin (born in Madrid in 4 December 2009). Had his literary debut in România Literară Magazine 16/1999, with an introduction made by Nicolae Manolescu; his editorial debut was in 1999 with the poetry volume Tratat la psihiatrie (Cured at Psychiatry), published at Vinea Publisher, Bucharest, with a preface by Nicolae Manolescu and an afterword by Paul Cernat; The volume won the award of the debut section of the Bucharest Writers Association in 1999 and was a nominee at the Romanian Union of Writers Awards, 1999.

Personal facts

Gelu Vlaşin
Birth dateAugust 30, 1966
Birth place
Romania , Telciu



Career start1995
influenced by
Allen Ginsberg
Emil Cioran
Fernando Savater
Constantin Noica
Basarab Nicolesco
Victor I. Stoichita

Gelu Vlaşin on Wikipedia