Gene Colan Comics creator

Eugene Jules "Gene" Colan (September 1, 1926 – June 23, 2011) was an American comic book artist best known for his work for Marvel Comics, where his signature titles include the superhero series Daredevil, the cult-hit satiric series Howard the Duck, and The Tomb of Dracula, considered one of comics' classic horror series. He co-created the Falcon, the first African-American superhero in mainstream comics, and the non-costumed, supernatural vampire hunter Blade, which went on to star in a series of films starring Wesley Snipes.Colan was inducted into the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 2005.

Personal facts

Gene Colan
Birth dateSeptember 01, 1926
Birth place
The Bronx , New York City , New York
Date of deathJune 23, 2011
Place of death
The Bronx , New York
