Georg C. F. Greve

Georg C. F. Greve (born 10 March 1973 in Helgoland, Germany) is a self-taught software developer, academically trained physicist and author. He has been working on technology politics since 2001 when he founded the Free Software Foundation Europe.Greve has been working full-time as president for FSFE since early 2001. In June 2009 he handed over the presidency of the FSFE to Karsten Gerloff. His responsibilities for FSFE included coordination of the General Assembly, supporting local representatives in their work, working on political and legal issues as well as projects and giving speeches or informing journalists to spread knowledge about free software.In addition, Georg Greve also worked as a consultant, representing Google in the OOXML standardisation process at ISO and as a project reviewer for the European Commission.Greve is married and currently lives in Switzerland.In 2010 Greve was awarded the Cross of Merit on ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany (Verdienstkreuz am Bande).

Personal facts

Georg C. F. Greve
Birth dateMarch 10, 1973
Birth place
University of Hamburg
