George Archie Baseball player

George Albert Archie (April 27, 1914 – September 20, 2001) was a Major League Baseball infielder with the Detroit Tigers, Washington Senators and St. Louis Browns spanning three seasons. Archie was predominantly a third baseman, but also played first base. Archie began his career with the Detroit Tigers in 1938, and subsequently played for the Washington Senators (1941) and St. Louis Browns (1941, 1946).From 1942 to 1945 Archie served in military during World War II.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 27, 1914
Date of deathSeptember 20, 2001


Baseball player

Career startSeptember 14, 1938
Career endApril 21, 1946
batting sideRight
former teams
Baltimore Orioles
Detroit Tigers
Third baseman
First baseman
Baltimore Orioles
Detroit Tigers
Minnesota Twins
throwing sideRight

George Archie on Wikipedia