George Hillocks Jr. Scientist

George Hillocks, Jr. (June 15, 1934 - November 12, 2014) was an emeritus professor in the Department of Education, with a joint appointment in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago. His teaching career included the preparation of English teachers in the Master of Arts in Teaching program, and the mentoring of Ph.D. students in the doctoral program, at the University of Chicago. After retiring from the University he continued to present seminars and workshops for writing teachers across the US. His primary research interests centered on the teaching of writing, literature, and language in middle and high school English classes, and on large-scale writing assessment. When not teaching and writing, he was an accomplished bagpipe player, performing frequently for Chicago audiences and in international competitions.

Personal facts

George Hillocks Jr.
Birth dateJune 15, 1934
Birth place
Cleveland , Ohio
United States
United States
College of Wooster 1956 Case-Western Reserve University 1958 1970
