Geroy Simon American football player

Geroy Simon (born September 11, 1975) is a retired professional Canadian football slotback who played 15 seasons in the Canadian Football League, twelve of them with the BC Lions. Simon won the CFL's Most Outstanding Player Award in 2006 while also winning three Grey Cup championships as a member of the BC Lions in 2006 and 2011 and with Saskatchewan in 2013. As of the 2013 CFL season, Simon is the all-time career leader in CFL receiving yards with 16,352 yards, first in pass receptions with 1,029 and third in touchdown receptions with 103.

Personal facts

Geroy Simon
Birth dateSeptember 11, 1975
Birth place
Johnstown Pennsylvania , United States
Height (meters)1.8288
Weight (Kilograms)89.8128
