Gerry McHugh Politician

Gerry McHugh MLA is a nationalist politician in Northern Ireland. He represented Sinn Féin on Fermanagh District Council from 1993 to 2007 and has sat as an independent since then. He was elected to the Northern Ireland Forum in 1996, then to the Northern Ireland Assembly at the 1998 election as a Sinn Féin member for Fermanagh and South Tyrone. He lost his seat in 2003, but regained it in 2007. His fellow Sinn Féin member on both occasions was Michelle Gildernew. McHugh is a past pupil of St Comhghall's Secondary School in Lisnaskea.He became an independent on 29 November 2007, citing his perceived problems with lack of democracy in his former party.On 30 November, he announced that he was a member of Fianna Fáil.He did not contest the 2011 Assembly election. He was unsuccessful in holding onto his seat on Fermanagh County Council in the 2011 local elections.

Personal facts

Gerry McHugh
Birth place
Northern Ireland , County Tyrone
