Giles Hooper Philosopher

Giles Hooper is an author and lecturer at the University of Liverpool. He is known for contributions to contemporary musicology and applications of postmodernist theory in musicology.Hooper completed his PhD, The study of music and the status of musical knowledge, at the University of Keele in 2003. After teaching at Keele, Exeter, and Bristol, he was appointed as a lecturer in the School of Music in 2005. Hooper's work is currently in wide-ranging research interests including twentieth-century music, critical theory and analysis. In 2010, Hooper was appointed Head of the School of Music. His best known publication is "The Discourse of Musicology" published in 2006.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1974
Contemporary philosophy
Main interest
Philosophy of mind
Philosophy of music
Critical Musicology



influenced by
philosophical school
New musicology
Critical theory
Critical Musicology

Giles Hooper on Wikipedia