Gina Nemo

Gina Nemo (born March 22, 1965), is an American poet, writer, speaker, musician, singer, songwriter, actress, producer, director and marketing executive.Her father was the famous late jazz musician and composer Henry Nemo who came to prominence in the 1940s and who had many hits in the Jazz era. She grew up in Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles, California, where she performed on stage and in television commercials since she was 4 years old. She is best known for her music career and for her award-winning role as Dorothy Pezzino in the television series, “21 Jump Street” in which she was presented an Emmy in Canada by the late Bob Hope. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree at Harvard University.

Personal facts

Birth place
New York City , New York
Height (meters)1.7399


Gina Nemo on Wikipedia