Glen Gorbous Baseball player

Glen Edward Gorbous (July 8, 1930 - June 12, 1990) was a Canadian baseball player who holds the current world record for longest throw of a baseball, 135.89m (445 feet, 10 inches). The feat took place on August 1, 1957, while he was playing for the Omaha Cardinals of the American Association. In an exhibition he was given a six-step running start and threw the ball 445 feet and ten inches from the far right field corner of the stadium to the far left hand corner.Oddly, Gorbous' world record was set only after his brief major league baseball career had already ended. Gorbous played outfield for the Cincinnati Redlegs, in early 1955, and the Philadelphia Phillies, from mid-1955 to May, 1957.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 08, 1930
Birth place
Alberta , Drumheller
Date of deathJune 12, 1990
Place of death


Baseball player

Career startApril 11, 1955
Career endMay 05, 1957
batting sideLeft
former teams
Cincinnati Reds
Philadelphia Phillies
Cincinnati Reds
Philadelphia Phillies
throwing sideRight

Glen Gorbous on Wikipedia