Gregor Virant Politician

Gregor Virant (born 4 December 1969) is a Slovenian politician and public servant, currently serving as Minister of the Interior and Public Administration in the government of Alenka Bratušek. Between 2004-2008, he served as Minister of Public Administration in Janez Janša's first government, and between 2011–2013 he was President of the National Assembly of Slovenia.He was the leader (October 2011–May 2014) of the Civic List, until April 2012 named Gregor Virant's Civic List, a liberal political party established in October 2011 to compete in the 2011 parliamentary election.

Personal facts

Gregor Virant
Birth dateDecember 04, 1969
Birth place
Slovenia , Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana
Politician , Civil service


Office holder

Minister of the Interior
President of the National Assembly of Slovenia
Civic List (Slovenia)
Jakob Prese%C4%8Dnik

Gregor Virant on Wikipedia