Hadi Al-Amiri President

Hadi Al-Ameri (Arabic: هادي ال عامري‎) is the current Iraqi minister of transportation and the head of the Badr Organization, which was the military wing of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC). He is a member of the Iraqi parliament under the United Iraqi Alliance list, which mainly represents religious Shi'a parties.Amiri fought on the side of the Iranians, as part of the Badr Brigade, during the Iran-Iraq War.As leader of the Badr Organization, Hadi Al-Amiri had very close ties to the Iranian leadership, and in particular the Islamic Revolutionary Guards which was responsible for training the Badr Brigade during Saddam Hussein's rule. Hadi Al-Amiri was also one of the first Shi'a politicians to call for regional federation in the south of Iraq.Amiri has denied claims that he has overseen flights passing through Iraqi airspace from Iran to Syria containing shipments of weapons to help the Syrian Government in the Syrian Civil War. Amiri has however proclaimed his affection for Qassem Suleimani, the Commander of Quds Force, a division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps believed to be playing an instrumental part in supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the conflict. Amiri told The New Yorker “I love Qassem Suleimani! He is my dearest friend.”According to Middle East Airlines (MEA), in 2014 a flight of the airline had to turn back to Beirut when Mahdi al-Amiri, son of Hadi al-Amiri, had missed the flight and called Iraqi airport officials to not allow the plane to land in Baghdad. An MEA official described this as an act of "pure nepotism".He was the commander of Iraqi forces in Operation Ashura during 2014 Iraqi conflict.

Personal facts

Birth place
Diyala Governorate
Shia Islam
University of Baghdad



military operations
Iran–Iraq War
military unit
Badr Organization
officePresident of the Badr Organization
Badr Organization

Hadi Al-Amiri on Wikipedia