Hal Hilpirt American football player

Hal "Coach" Hilpirt (August 9, 1908 – September 16, 1998) was born in Aurora, Missouri. He was an American football player who played college football for Oklahoma City University, and professionally for the New York Giants (1930–1931), Chicago Cardinals (1931–1932), and the Cincinnati Football Reds (1933). He was part of the beginnings of the modern era of American professional football and made a major impact as a baseball coach in Jackson County, Oklahoma winning 3 championships between 1945-1951.

Personal facts

Hal Hilpirt
Birth dateAugust 09, 1908
Birth place
Aurora Missouri
Date of deathSeptember 16, 1998
Place of death
Irving Texas , United States


American football player

Career start1930
Career end1933
Debut team
New York Giants
Former team
New York Giants
Cincinnati Reds (NFL)
History of the Chicago Cardinals
Lineman (American football)
Defensive back
Defensive end

Hal Hilpirt on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HilpHa20.htm