Hamsiraji Marusi Sali

Hamsiraji Marusi Sali (died 2004) was a kidnapper and murderer in the Abu Sayyaf Group. He was wanted in the Philippines for at least twenty kidnappings, and wanted in the United States for three kidnappings and two murders.H. M. Sali was killed, along with five accomplices, in a shootout with elite Filipino forces on Basilan on 8 April 2004. One soldier was killed and three wounded in this action.Three Filipino civilians, who provided information that was of some help in finding Sali, shared a US$1 million reward on 25 October 2004.

Personal facts

Hamsiraji Marusi Sali
Date of deathApril 08, 2004
Place of death


Hamsiraji Marusi Sali on Wikipedia